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Ex-offenders and Felons tell the Truth on Applications

Ex-offenders and Felons tell the Truth on Applications


exoffenders-felons-tell-truth-applicationsHello Mr. Mayo,

I love your site.  I have been reading the questions from other ex-felons, ex-convicts or whatever people choose to call themselves.  Most of them have the same question.  What want to know is, do employers really do background checks or do they ask questions on applications to get information to save themselves the time of finding out for themselves?  I mean if I tell them I have a record, then they don’t have do a background check, they just throw applications away when they see I have a record.  For example, I have two felonies and seven charges that were dropped.  If I tell them about these nine things I know I won’t get hired.

There are people that have told me not to tell them anything.  If they find out, they find out.  If they don’t it’s good.  I know these nine things look bad, so what do I do?



If ex-felons want to get hired, they need to show remorse first


Ex-offenders and Felons tell the Truth on Applications


Hello Hap,

I encourage my students to always be honest when they fill out applications.  In this high-speed data age, your record is accessible to just about everyone.  To make things a little more clear, most employers are more interested in convictions rather than charges.  That is why most applications have a question that ask something similar to this, “Have you ever been convicted…..”  You only have to list the convictions.

Unfortunately too many people are tempted to be less than honest on applications hoping to slip by.  Some do, but some only for a short time.  When the employer does the background check, they get fired, not because they have a criminal record, but because they lied on the application.  Broadly speaking, employers are allowed to ask about an applicant’s conviction and/or arrest record and in most cases lawfully consider this information in making hiring choices.  In many cases the application is a legal instrument called a “Disclosure” where the employer is asking the applicant to disclose certain information.  If the applicant fails to disclose the information or misrepresents the information, the employer may discover the deception and the employee can be legally terminated.

Many employment applications have a Certification/Release Statement that the applicant must sign before the application is considered.  It is usually on the last page and is in smaller print than the rest of the application.  This affirmation might also be known as an Authorization.  The choice of words can vary but the employer is asking you to attest with your signature that all of the information you’ve given is absolutely complete and true.  Part of this certification is a release that gives the employer access to information provided by former employers, law enforcement agencies, schools and other organizations that may provide information about you.

In relation to criminal records, it is essential to list all associated information.  Include the name of the conviction, date, location , and the disposition or final outcome (time served, fine and/or probation.)

Example:  Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance    5/19/02    Greenville, SC    Time Served (14 mos.)

Ex-offenders and felons get hired everyday.  The challenge is to find an employer who will look past your record to get a good employee.  It is my experience that smaller companies tend to be more flexible when it comes to hiring ex-offenders or felons, but I suggest applying for every job that you feel qualified for.  Don’t exclude yourself, let the employer exclude you.  Find a job is a numbers game.  The more jobs you apply for, the greater your chances to get interviews.  The more interviews you get, the more opportunities you will get to be hired, just be honest.

Are you an ex-offender or felon who has a question about finding a job with a criminal record? You could have your question answered right here. The right answer could help a felon get a job.  Email your question to: BelievePublications@comcast.net.

Jobs for ex-offenders and Felons: Should Applications Ask about Felonies?

Jobs for ex-offenders and Felons: Should Felons Lie To Get Jobs?

companies that hire felons

Ex-offenders and Felons tell the Truth on Applications

Companies Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Felons | Jobs For Felons | Jobs For Ex-offenders | Jobs That Hire Felons | Places That Hire Felons | Felon Friendly Jobs | Felon Friendly Employers | Jobs For Felons | Jobs For People That Have Felonies | Jobs For People With A Criminal Record